Choose Investment

A. Equity Ownership (Series A Participating)

Long-term ownership in TECH DIVERSIFIED and the highest returns if we hit our projected ROI: Year 1: R&D | Year 2: 15% | Year 3: 41% | Year 4: 115%).

B. Equity Buyback (Series A Preferred)
Short-term ownership in TECH DIVERSIFIED, LLC and a 'buyback' of units in 4-6 years with a fixed annual return of 8-9% interest.

1. First

Know your own Investor status.
- Accredited: Generally, accredited investors annual income is over $200k for the last 2 yrs ($300k joint income) or net worth over $1M.
- Non-accredited: Any Investor that does not meet the above guidelines.

2. Guidelines

Maximum & minimum Investments.
- Accredited: No maximum.
- Non-accredited: $10,000 maximum.
- Both: Minimum $1,000 per our offering.

3. How to Invest

1) Choose Investment A. or B. Then fill out the form below.

2) Create Equity Certificate. Then, download & save the certificate at the top right.

3) Purchase Investment: Under 'Download' select 'Pay by Stripe' & then 'Pay' to Invest.

For a Personal Presentation or help investing through our website please contact Michael Senger.